Warm the body and promote circulation
Moxibustion is the application of heat to a specific area or point on the body, usually used in combination with acupuncture. Although acupuncture is better known in the West, moxibustion has also been used in traditional treatments for over 2000 years in China.
Moxibustion is particularly effective in treating infertility, arthritis, asthma, fatigue, and chronic pain. Moxibustion has the function of warming, clearing the meridians and increasing the body’s energy. It strengthens the immune and circulatory system. Moxibustion is safe and effective when applied by a licensed acupuncturist that has specific training in this modality.
Moxibustion is the application of heat to a specific area or point on the body. Along with acupuncture needles or solo, the purpose of moxa is to warm the body and stimulate blood circulation.
During your first session, we will conduct a thorough assessment of your health, lifestyle, and any factors that may be contributing to imbalances. Based on this information, we will create a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Moxibustion is often combined with acupuncture for optimal results.
Includes full medical intake, physical exam, and acupuncture + moxibustion session
For patients treated within the last year