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Treating Diabetes with Acupuncture

by Dana Bairen, L.Ac.Dana Bairen
October 2, 2024

Treatment of diabetes with acupuncture has been effective in reducing blood sugar levels, especially in individuals with type 2, non-insulin dependent diabetes, the most common form of diabetes. Acupuncturists have identified about 20 body acupoints that are effective in lowering blood sugar.

The Chinese medical approach to diabetes identifies its initial onset as due to a deficiency in yin. The yin deficiency causes an imbalance in yin and yang, resulting in a yang deficiency. In advanced diabetes, these yin and yang deficiencies result in impairment of Qi. An unhealthy diet of excessive amounts of fatty and sweet foods exacerbates the condition.  

Acupuncture points are chosen based on the diabetic medical history, and specific stage of diabetes advancement. Treatments and acupuncture points selected are highly differentiated from individual to individual.

Treatment of Diabetes in Chinese Medicine

Diabetes is often treated with a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas that have a hypoglycemic effect, such as Baihu Jia Renshen Tang, Bawei Dihuang Wan, Yu Quan Wan, Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and Fangfeng Tongsheng San. The herb Ginseng, found in several herbal formulas that treat diabetes, plays a significant role in lowering glucose levels.

Treatment may involve acupuncture applied to up to a dozen acupoints for a single session. A course of acupuncture therapy for diabetes is typically long-term, as acupuncture can treat symptoms but not cure diabetes. The treatment course may consist of one to two sessions per week, with number of weekly sessions dependent upon improvement in symptoms and decline in blood sugar levels.

Best Candidates for Acupuncture in Diabetes Management

Acupuncture treatment for diabetes is most effective for those individuals who have had diabetes for only a few years, and have a milder disease manifestation. Diabetic acupuncture is also most effective in treating diabetes in younger individuals. Diabetics receiving acupuncture also experience a decline in cholesterol levels and have fewer medical complications, such as cardiovascular diseases.

Additional Benefits of Acupuncture for Diabetics

Diabetic acupuncture can also help in the following ways:

  • Attenuating symptoms of polyphagia (impulse to overeat) and polydipsia (excessive thirst)
  • Enhancing blood outflow and regulating vascular peripheral resistance
  • Increasing cell proliferation and preventing slowing of motor nerve conduction

Diabetic acupuncture treatment programs can also reduce the prolonged healing time of diabetic non-healing skin wounds such as ulcers.


Acupuncture offers a natural, complementary approach to managing diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels, alleviating symptoms, and improving overall well-being. While it cannot cure diabetes, it provides an effective treatment option, particularly for individuals with milder cases or early-stage diabetes.

When combined with Chinese herbal medicine and personalized care, acupuncture can help diabetics improve their quality of life, manage complications, and support long-term health. If you're considering acupuncture as part of your diabetes management plan, schedule a consultation with us to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.